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Congratulations to our winners! With over 200 shows and 300 voters, the competition was fierce. But the votes have been summed up, namely the winning wallpaper. The thickest two affect the official 21.10 release image and are automatically included in the 22.04 release. The remaining eight that you meet here are always registered with us in social networks, and if there must be time in the picture, they will also see it. The original winning vacancies and others remain untouched in the discourse, but voting is closed. Pauloup Timewitch


Johannes Kcpru Haiku Iliaszs G0b What we learned For the next competition, i want to be a little stricter with the requirements. I am sad to report that among the top 10 were images without attribution, which, when we verified their authenticity using a reverse google image search, showed that people were not sent by their rightful owners, as required by the rules. So, going forward, we're worried about adding a buffer between closing the vote and announcing the winners, as well as reaching out to the winners individually if there are concerns about their image. . Thanks again to anyone who submitted We are also going to look for a means to add priority/weight to the vote. This time people could vote for ten citizens with an equal level of preference. I do not think that this will affect the results much, [cars wallpapers] i think that many of the winners here are great! But we'll want to see if the order changes so that users rate their 10 choices. Photo by joshua gold on unsplash Congratulations to those who won and thanks to those who presented the option to those who voted last week. We aim to repeat it in 6 months for the latest release of ubuntu 22.04.