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In islamabad, ramadan: restaurants are deserted for one day, mosques are oversaturated with believers, and people are busy with household and personal chores with a tired, greedy, hungry look. - The western edge of this planned capital of pakistan with a chain signage reads "closed for ramadan." However, a light is on behind the lace curtains upstairs, and if everyone defies the smell of stale curry, you can find one outpost of completely un-islamic imports that brings out-of-season normal business. Changed) did not close the play market for the holy month. And even though their colleagues are arrested, kept in squalid prisons for months, and then kicked out, our chicks are standing on the construction site. They know that prostitution has a bright future in it as a stronghold of islamic orthodoxy. Katarina in a black negligee is curled up on a crumpled bed under the harsh fluorescent light in an empty room. And smokes marlboro; faith, thin, with curly hair, disappears by nature; sonya, noticeably older and stronger, with the charm of an aeroflot stewardess, caretaker and mistress in such a small establishment, wrinkles her mean mouth and prepares to speak numbers. Katarina, and she has a light complexion, rich dark hair, big eyes and a prominent nose - a winning combination in these places - means that the page is turkish from ankara and muslim. However, it quickly becomes clear that any three films are russian. It happens that they are also orthodox, but even though my visit coincided with the orthodox christmas, there were no signs of a holiday. Prostitutes of russians, azerbaijan, tajikistan and other regions of central asia first attracted the attention of the pakistani public in october 2015 year, when the police raided a number of luxurious guest apartments and arrested more than a dozen women. They were kept in jail for a month and a half for expired visas. However, their places were quickly taken by arrivals from those places in the persian gulf, like abu dhabi. The cell phones were passed to the next contingent like clubs, with the same numbers. Women have caused a stir in islamabad, in part because a partner likes to be seen as the center of islamic purity. But also because, ignoring the fact that it is the capital of the country, it is about the length of tunbridge wells, and there is little left in that place. “Islamabad is small,” said one of the police officers involved in the operation. “Everyone noticed these beautiful ladies and started talking about them.” Prostitutes move in a circle that spans several gulf states, and until now their base in pakistan was karachi. The largest population center and one port of pakistan with a zodiacal heterogeneous population is their natural habitat quickly. X years. Buy second-hand clothes of foreign authorship in bulk and take them back to russia. Later, the girls arrived under the same protection, and entrepreneurship flourished. But in 2018, karachi became too dangerous thanks to fighting between terrorists. Murders occur daily, some accompanied by horrific mutilations. Three americans traveling in a car were shot dead along with their own pakistani driver. One foreign prostitute was also killed. Then, perhaps, the exodus of the girls began. Before the arrest and deportations [jobs für mädchen in der türkei] in islamabad, they were doing extremely well. And in the modern world, the immediate fuss has subsided, they are doing extremely well again. Over the baiga restaurant, sonia demanded 10,000 rupees (about £140) for a night with katarina, and then after a long bidding, the price dropped to only 7,000 rupees, before the independent apologized and left on sunday. At the other end of the city, at the diplomat inn hotel (together with a company of such a un direction), the cost per night in the hands of a "16-year-old turk" - in fact, another russian - is 8,000 rupees. On the other hand, for a young pakistani girl the rate is as low as 6,000 rupees. Women feel cheerful as the classic central asian look - white skin, strong nose, shiny dark hair. - Corresponds to the pakistani ideal of female beauty. The pakistani representatives of the stronger sex are not touched by the graceful small noses and almond-shaped eyes of the mongoloid peoples of central asia, such as the uzbeks. The uzbeks are glad that it will remain so. “The motherland has a strong religious background,” said a representative of the uzbek embassy, “and people do not allow themselves such things." More about Join the virtual comment forum Join thought-provoking conversations, explore with other independent readers and check out their replies 1/0foreign prostitutes show up as pakistan closes for ramadan Subscribe to independent premium to bookmark this article if you want to bookmark your favorite content and stories on your desktop to think about or refer to later, subscribe to independent premium today.